How effective is the combination of your main product and
ancillary texts? (How synergy is created and evaluate)
My target audience seemed happy with how my Ancillary texts
and Music promo worked in synergy together. I made sure that my print work and
music promo worked well together by linking certain features into all my work.
An important feature that I included in both my main work and ancillary texts
would be the colour scheme, this was a key factor as by using similar colours
within my ancillary work and music promo this allowed me to conduct a house
style which brands my artist, an important part of making him recognisable to
his audience. I used colours within my work which I thought linked in well with
the genre of the music such as dark tones as this suits the Alternative style
of music, if I was to use bright, neon colours this could suggest a more upbeat
style of music such as Pop. I chose to film my music promo at night, which gave
me dark tones and also allowed me to control the lighting for example I found
filming in a well lit Skate Park was really effective as the lights gave out
yellow tones which worked well within the Story line, as the warm tones from the
lights connote happiness within my music promo. I have included this feature
within my DigiPak as I took various images of the graffiti within the Skate Park
and cropped one graffiti image to fit the CD pane within my DigiPak. This was
seen as effective within my target audience as it brings the warm yellow
colours into my DigiPak. I also think the Graffiti is effective as it links in
well with the location of the Skate Park within my music promo, as well as the
Graffiti linking in with my target audience of young adults.
Other colours I used to link my music promo into my
Ancillary texts in order to have an effective house style includes the use of
Red within all of my work. This is a particularly important factor as the use
of Red links in with the title of my artist’s song “Heartbreaker”. I have
therefore included this within my ancillary by making the spine of my DigiPak burgundy
as this colour works well with the yellows and greys I have used within my
DigiPak. I also edited the image I have included within my DigiPak of the large
Archway that is located in the IQ Business Park, where I filmed the final
scenes of my music promo. I edited this image in several ways one being to
bring out a deeper Red in the background, as this made the image link in well
within my DigiPak. In my music promo I have included the use of Red in the most
obvious way by dressing my Artist/main character within my music promo in a
burgundy shirt, as this makes him seem more desirable as well as making the
sense of romance more intense to the audience.
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