Monday, 8 October 2012

Colour scheme

I need to ensure that the colours I use in my DigiPak and Advert are similar so that the artist has more of a brand identity which my target audience will be able to register. This is important as it will help to make my artist more noticed, which will help to promote both the digipak and advert.
The colour scheme that I use is therefore very important, as it will feature in all types of my artists work. I need to make sure that the colours I use suit my target audience, as I am aiming this work at young adults between the ages of 15-25. It is essential that I use colours that suit both genders, as I my target audience is not gender specific.
I am therefore planning on using prime colours, such as blues or reds. As I think these colours would be the most effective. In my research I asked which colours my audience think an indie record would suit. Blue, red, grey and black were the most popular choices for this so I plan on including grey and black in both my Magazine advert and my Digipak as these dark colours will go well with the main colour of either Red or Blue.

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