Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Mes en Scene

It's important that my characters dress appropriately in my music promo, as they need to suit the style of music. I therefore need my characters to wear indie style clothes, this could be seen as quite a general term so to make my characters outfits more precise I want them to wear appropriate clothes for skating. This will then ensure that they do not look out of place in the skatepark, as that is my main location for my music promo.
When it comes to the female character, I also want her to suit the style of music and the location, so I want her to wear quite tomboyish clothes, including trainers and a hoodie or denim jacket. This way she will fit in with the male characters of my music promo, this will then make my storyline more convincing as the male and female characters will dress and look alike, making them more likely to suit as a couple.

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