Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Questionnaire Results

It was important that I asked everyone that answered my questionnaire their gender, as this will help me understand who my target audience is. As well as this, the gender of my audience could also effect their preferred genre of music, so it was important that I knew which gender dominated my research. I tried to make sure that I had an equal amount of men and women answering my questionnaire, so that I had a wider audience. This is something I need to remember when I start planning, as my music promo and my ancillary tasks need to be appropriate for both men and women.
As you can see from this question, most of the people I asked were between the age of 16-20, this age will therefore be my main target audience. I may try to widen this and try to appeal to other ages, from 15 up to 25 as I think I could easily relate to people like this.

To make my research more exact, I only asked my target audience of people from 25 and under the next questions, starting with what is your favourite genre of music. I found my results interesting as Rock and RnB where not as popular as I was expecting. Indie and Alternative music really stood out as a favourite for my audience, it is therefore important that my chosen artist fits into these two genre's. It may also be a good idea to consider a song or artist that is quite upbeat as pop was also a popular choice.

I found it interesting that my audiences favourite genre of music differed from there favourite genre for music videos, this shows that music videos can have a strong effect on peoples opinions. Alternative music was a very popular choice, and I will research an alternative music video to try and find out why they are seen as such a success. By doing this, it will hopefully help me to take some of the positive effects used within an Alternative music video so that I can develop this in my own work.

I then asked my target audience what there favourite music video was.
Popular answers for this were:
Daft Punk - Around the world
Beyonce - All the single ladies
Katy Perry - California Girls
The Drums - Lets go surfing
Ed Sheeran - Drunk
Lana Del Rey - Blue jeans
Coldplay - the scientist
PSY - Gangnam style

A lot of these music videos are concepts based videos, this shows that my target audience enjoy videos even if they do not relate to the video which gives me more options when planning my music promo.

RnB and HipHop music videos were labelled as very weak by my audience, this is interesting as they are probably one of the most well known and common music videos around. I'm glad that I asked what my audience don't like to see in a music video for my next question, as this gives me a clearer idea of what not to do for my own work.
I made sure this question was an open question so that people could give me a detailed example of what they don't like to see in a music video. It is very interesting that all of the answered to this question were similar, as they all fell into these four categories. This shows me that my audience have a strong opinion against these things, and it is important I make sure my music promo does not include them.

I'm glad with the result of this question, as a Performance based videos didn't really appeal to me as it would have been very difficult to find someone willing to dance and perform in my music promo. Therefore, I am happy that my audience prefers Concept based music promos as this gives me more options to explore when planning my work. I'm also glad that Narrative came a close second as this means I can always include a narrative if I want to.

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