Monday, 24 September 2012

Real Media Artefact Magazine Advert - The XX

I really love the style of this poster as it is unique, I like the use of patterns that have been used on the page as these are really unusual and draw the reader’s eye in to the centre of the page where the text is featured. I like the detailing on this poster, as the more you look at it the more you see that all the patterns are slightly different and also that the patterns have been carefully placed to ensure they are all perfectly symmetrical, as the patterns at the top mirror the ones at the bottom. The detail on this poster shows could be seen as a way of representing The XX’s style of music, as very precise as well as being quite preserved as this poster doesn’t really give much away about the artist. This links in well with their style of music, as it could be labelled as simple and peaceful music. The use of black and white in this poster fits in well with the band, as you can see in their music videos that they have quite an artist style. Whenever I have seen a music video by them, or even when they have featured in an interview on the TV they always seem to wear black and white clothes, so the use of black and white in the poster fits in with them as individuals as well as their music.

It is unusual that “The XX” has not be placed at the top of the poster, as this is normally where you would find the name of the artist or band being advertised. However, I think having the name in the centre of the page is very effective as it is where your eye goes to first of all on the page. They have chosen to include the name of the band in their logo, which is the particular style of font used. This font features on The XX’s albums so this helps the audience register who they are, letting them connect directly with their target audience. Although the text underneath the name of the band is particularly small, I think it is effective because they have put the support acts in bold font. This draws more attention to the small font, making people more likely to read it as it stands out that little bit more on the page. The use of “/” on the page are more effective than using full stops, as they are more abrupt and to the point, this makes more of a statement to the reader which could help them to remember the information. I like the fact that they have used forward slashes when giving out information and may consider it in my own work when making a poster. Overall, I really like the style of this poster, if I saw it on the street I would stop and look at it because it is very unusual. I will consider doing something such as this for my own poster, as things that are unique will help to widen my audience. 

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