Friday, 16 November 2012

Filming for my 2nd draft music promo

I knew from editing my first draft what I needed to reshoot and what new features I needed to film for my music promo. Before I starting filming again I made a written plan to take with me so that my filming would hopefully be more organised and quicker. My main focus for filming again was to make sure I had good shots of my artist Rob singing. As I did this in a badly lit area first time round, I decided to change location this time to film him singing in the skatepark. As I really like the yellow tones from the lights in this location, and thought it would work well with the lyrics as he sings. I thought it would be a good idea if my artist wore a new set of clothes, as I learnt from looking at Real media artefacts that artists normally seperate their scenes of performance and narrative by wearing different clothes. If my male character was wearing the same thing this could be seen as confusing to the audience as they would think the singing ties in with the narrative. I therefore asked my male character Rob to wearing something a little more casual compared to the shirt he wears in other parts. Before we set off filming I went to his house and we chose a plain grey tshirt, jeans and a parka coat. All of these clothes have quite simple colours which we thought would work well because it's important that he is the main focus, not his clothes. He also opted to wear a beanie hat, I thought this was fine because it is typically a young thing to wear and particularly works well with the "skater boy" vibes that feature in my music promo.
When it came to filming Rob singing I started by using the fisheye lens, as it looked really effective when he stood in the middle of the half pipe (a type of skate ramp) this worked well because the sides of the ramps curved up around him to give an unusual shot. I thought this would be effective within my music promo as it adds a little something extra to make my music promo more interesting. As well as this I also filmed various close up and extreme close up shots to show the emotion on his face. I found it was quite difficult to keep his face entirely in focus when filming the extreme close ups when using a normal lens, as he moved slightly as he sung which made him go in and out of focus. This was quite unfortunate as there are some really good shots of him singing which I would have liked to have used but they are too blurry. However, I have tried to include some of this within my music promo as I think when it is included in a subtle way it does not look too bad.
Another important factor that needed focusing on was improving the storyline of my music promo. As I found it difficult to completely stick to my storyline when filming. My original storyline included a number of male characters acting as well as skating, however I found this almost impossible to do as I could not find any males that wanted to act in my video apart from my main character. I therefore had to change my storyline slightly in order to make it work with just me and Rob in it. I thought the best way to do this would be for the female character to be cheating on the main character. I drew up a new storyboard and came up with the idea of using a mobile phone to show that the female character is organising to meet up with another man. I thought this would be effective because it is clear, as I did not want my storyline to become confusing to my audience. Although using a mobile phone to show texts from another man could be seen as quite cheesey, I think it works well in my music promo as it gives the video a stronger narrative. At the end of my music promo I thought the most dramatic ending would be for the female character to walk off holding a different mans hand, as this links in with the song "Heartbreaker".
Other features that I wanted to film included quick shots of the couple (me and rob) kissing or hugging, just to make it more clear to the audience that we were together. This was quite easy to shoot as I have been using a tripod so we were able to both stand infront of the camera.
I am glad that I have been able to use my own SLR camera when filming my music promo, as it has allowed me to go out and film whenever I want. This week I have filmed most nights, and I feel like this has really helped me to get on top of what I wanted to achieve.

Updated version of the storyboard:

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